Censored Planet Observatory
analyze-cp is a comprehensive software toolkit developed by the Censored Planet team. The toolbox includes modules like quack-v1 and hyperquack-v1 for measuring application-layer interference, as well as satellite-v1 for detecting DNS interference, making it a powerful resource for censorship research and analysis.
Type: Software toolkit
Probe locations:
- Russia
- Ukraine (+ Starlink)
- Turkey
- Iran
Action type: One-shot check, aggregator data provider
Probing methods:
- Application-layer inference measuring
- DNS inference detection
Testing on: Datacenter connections
Useful for:
- Testing websites and web services
- Testing IP-level censorship
- Testing DNS spoofing
Skill required: Minor software configuring skills expected
Price: Payments for Data. Google Storage Pricing is applied to the raw data hosted by Censored Planet.